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My Comics - How To

Complete Application Guide


Weekly Service

- Sends a weekly notification to remind you that new comics have arrived!

- This service can be set to notify you on any day of the week and at the best time

- Make sure to start and stop the service any time a change has been made to the setup.


Favorites Service

- Sends a weekly notification to to let you know if there are any books arriving that match any of the title in your "My Favorites" list.

- This service can be set to notify you on any day of the week and at the best time

- Make sure to start and stop the service any time a change has been made to the setup.



Favorites on Home

Adds the "Favorites" tab to the main application screen



Results on Home

Adds the "Favorites Results" to the main application screen


Clear Image Cache

This will remove all stored images (comic book covers) that have been downloaded while running the "My Comics" app from your device.  This is a good way to free up memory.  Note, this will cause some images to be downloaded again.


It is recommended that you do this at least once a month.


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